Fresh off the Press - Core Conditioning
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  • Monday - Sunday

Fresh off the Press

Full Body HIIT Workout / Bodyweight Fat Burn

Full Body HIIT Workout / Bodyweight Fat Burn

24 Min Full Body HIIT Workout / Bodyweight Fat Burn This Full Body HIIT Workout is the perfect total body workout that combines HIIT cardio with full body strength exercises to give you a perfect fat burning HIIT workout. This workout uses no weights, no equipment, and is a bodyweight workout only, so it’s the […]

HIIT Bodyweight Circuit Cardio & Abs Workout

HIIT Bodyweight Circuit Cardio & Abs Workout

25 Minute HIIT Bodyweight Circuit Cardio + Abs Workout If you want a killer fat burning HIIT bodyweight circuit workout that also doubles as a flat belly workout, then you have to give this HIIT bodyweight circuit cardio workout a try! If you have 25 minutes to spare then this cardio and core workout is […]

Beginner HIIT Workout – Low Impact

Beginner HIIT Workout – Low Impact

Who doesn’t love a good HIIT Workout? This 20 Minute HIIT workout is perfect for beginners, but will also give a really fit person a run for their money! I do this workout a lot at home on days when life is too busy to get down to my studio and trust me, it get’s […]

Plyometrics Leg Workout & Core / HIIT

Plyometrics Leg Workout & Core / HIIT

Plyometrics Leg Workout & Core This 25 Minute plyometric cardio circuit with additional core workout is just what you need to build strong lean legs and a tight core. This Plyometrics leg workout with core circuit is a fat burning HIIT workout.  It is an all bodyweight workout requiring no equipment. We use a lot […]

Lose Weight Now in 2021 With 3 Easy Tips

Lose Weight Now in 2021 With 3 Easy Tips

Are You Looking To Lose Weight Now In 2021? If you are someone who is waiting until 2021 or the new year to lose weight now, then I highly suggest you watch the video below all the way to the end! In this video I’m going to break down how to lose weight, how to […]

Add a Metabolic Finisher to Maximize Fat Burn

Add a Metabolic Finisher to Maximize Fat Burn

      People are always asking me about the best ways to maximize time in the gym and how to get the best calorie burn in the least amount of time.  There are many ways to get in a good workout with minimal time commitment, but I always stress that a shortened workout schedule […]

Does Alcohol Really Affect Fat Loss?

Does Alcohol Really Affect Fat Loss?

Does Alcohol Really Affect Fat Loss? I get this questions from clients all the time, especially in the days leading up to long weekends! Yes, it’s always nice to be able to “cheat” on your clean eating plan once and a while to enjoy a few cocktails with friends (or more than a few for […]

Healthier Muffins – Chocolate Chip Banana

Healthier Muffins – Chocolate Chip Banana

  Want Healthier Muffins?? Don’t Worry We Got You!   We all know that store bought muffins are loaded with sugar and are pretty much the same calorie count and profile as donuts (aka you might as well just have a tasty donut!!).  Not all muffins are made equal and I’m not going to tell […]

Healthy Snacks – Beat Afternoon Cravings With These Simple Tips

Healthy Snacks – Beat Afternoon Cravings With These Simple Tips

We all feel it on either a daily basis or just once and a while, that mid-afternoon “slump”.  That time of day where you start to feel tired, hungry (possibly “hangry”), and you begin to crave sugary carbohydrates food not healthy snacks.  There are many reasons this drop in energy could be happening, so instead […]

How Sleep and Weight Loss Are Related

How Sleep and Weight Loss Are Related

  It is common knowledge that a balanced lifestyle of healthy eating and regular exercise will eventually result in some amount of weight loss, following the theory of creating a calorie deficit of fewer calories in vs. calories burned; however, what about sleep and weight loss? To put this into perspective, think of it as […]

Top 5 Post Workout Foods To Optimize Results

Top 5 Post Workout Foods To Optimize Results

I know you have heard it before “abs are made in the kitchen”.  As silly as it sounds, it is true!  Yes, what you do during your workouts is very important to reaching your fitness and/or fat loss goals; however, if you are not fueling your body with proper nutrition (especially post-workout foods) your results […]

8 Week Summer Shred Challenge

8 Week Summer Shred Challenge

    Watch The Video Above For The Quick Rundown of How This Challenge Works and How It Can Help You!   Summer is right around the corner…….   Why wait to get started on getting leaner and feeling better before the sun comes out?   There is no better time to start building healthy […]

Protein Sprinkle Muffins

Protein Sprinkle Muffins

How many times do you find that morning coffee is screaming for a muffin to go with it? Or that afternoon crash has you reaching for a sweet treat to get you through the day? Or you are just running out the door and the whole family (yourself included) is screaming for a snack? Enter […]

CORE Strength Defined – What Is It Anyway?

CORE Strength Defined – What Is It Anyway?

“Core: the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything”  —   A popular buzz word in the fitness industry these days is “core”; however, this word is very commonly misunderstood.  Many people think of the abdominal region of the body or the well known “6-pack” when they hear the word core; however, this […]

Long Weekend Fun? 6 Tips For Getting Back on Track

Long Weekend Fun? 6 Tips For Getting Back on Track

With the long weekend only days away, many of us will enjoy the extra time with our friends and families eating and relaxing which is all a part of healthy balance, so go ahead and enjoy! But after three or even four days off, the key to getting back on track is to do it […]

5 Ways To Stay Healthy & Active Over Spring Break

5 Ways To Stay Healthy & Active Over Spring Break

No more classes, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks!! With the second week of Spring Break well underway, have you started to worry about what you are doing for you while the little ones are at home?? With the routine of a school day out the window, it can be easy to lose […]

3 Exercises to Sculpt Strong Glutes This Winter

3 Exercises to Sculpt Strong Glutes This Winter

This is usually a topic that interests women of all ages; however, both men and women can reap the benefits of building strong glutes.  Women normally want tighter buns for the image of the popular “bubble butt”, but women should not be the only ones looking to increase muscle tone in their rear ends.  Men […]

Holiday Workouts – 5 Tips For Staying Active in December

Holiday Workouts – 5 Tips For Staying Active in December

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!! For most people just saying this brings on some serious excitement, but for others this is mixed with a little anxiety about how to stay healthy, fit in their holiday workouts, and to not lose all of the fitness progress they have made over the year! […]

4 Benefits of Post-Workout Stretching

4 Benefits of Post-Workout Stretching

  With everyone’s lives becoming increasingly hectic, fitting in a workout often seems like an impossible task, which means cutting corners happens more often than it should. For many people, the first thing that gets cut from a workout is post-workout stretching which is actually dramatically reducing the benefits of your overall workout!  The below […]

Easy Crock Pot Chili

Easy Crock Pot Chili

Well as much as we don’t want to admit it, fall has arrived here in Vancouver. It’s getting chilly (not chili lol) so it’s the perfect time to for an easy cock pot chili recipe to be ready to go. There is nothing like a warm bowl of chili when you come home after long […]

7 Tips To Ensure You Reach Your Fitness Goals

7 Tips To Ensure You Reach Your Fitness Goals

Who hasn’t had a moment of self awareness that catapults you into overdrive. Whether it be pants that are too tight, the number on the scale or an inability to keep up with your kids when they play (to name a few examples), there are many reasons to embark on or update a fitness goal. […]

8  Week Summer Detox Challenge Is Open For Registration

8 Week Summer Detox Challenge Is Open For Registration

Well here we are at the end of summer 2018…… How do you feel?? Do you feel like you fell off the wagon a little bit during the summer? Do you feel like you had a lot of fun this summer (which is awesome!), but didn’t really focus on your workouts and eating healthy? Do you […]

Are you Bridging? 3 Reasons Why you Should Be Bridging Regularly

Are you Bridging? 3 Reasons Why you Should Be Bridging Regularly

Any fitness professional has an exercise that they claim to be the BEST for firming and strengthening the glutes; however, when these claims are made, do they provide you with reasons behind why their exercise is so great? Not only is the glute bridge great for strengthening the backside, but is has many other great […]

5 Reasons You Should Be Doing Group Fitness Classes

5 Reasons You Should Be Doing Group Fitness Classes

The Benefits of Group Fitness We all know that exercise is vital to healthy living but there is so much more to fitness than simply “hitting the gym”! What type of exercise should I do? How do I perform certain exercises? And how do I fit exercise into my already busy schedule? are just a […]

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Doughnut Recipe

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Doughnut Recipe

Yes you did not read that title wrong — Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Doughnut! We want to thank our amazing Core Conditioning Coach Tina for sharing this yummy recipe with all of you.   Who would of thought you could enjoy a doughnut and fuel your Gainz at the same time?? Enough small talk, let’s […]

Clean Creamy Avocado Salad Dressing – Better Than Store Bought Alternatives

Clean Creamy Avocado Salad Dressing – Better Than Store Bought Alternatives

Are you getting sick of eating your regular balsamic salad dressing, but you continue to eat it because you have been told that a creamy salad dressing = high in calories?  This is true in most cases, especially in store bought salad dressings.  We all love creamy salad dressings, let’s be honest they just make […]

Join The Countdown to Christmas 21 Day Challenge

Join The Countdown to Christmas 21 Day Challenge

Are you already thinking about some resolution for the new year? Thinking 2018 is going to be your year?  You are finally going to get that body you always wanted and really focus on your health? That is great! But we have one question….. WHY WAIT UNTIL THE NEW YEAR WHEN YOU CAN GET STARTED […]

What’s Better? Single Limb Vs. Double Limb Exercises

What’s Better? Single Limb Vs. Double Limb Exercises

  This is a common question when it comes to working out.  What is better? Single limb exercises or double limb exercises? Answer: BOTH! There is a place for both in a regular workout routine, especially if your main goal is building strength.  Functional training is a very broad term used to describe a form […]

3 Exercises for Sculpted Summer Shoulders

3 Exercises for Sculpted Summer Shoulders

As summer continues to roll on, it’s not time to give up on your dream of amazing sculpted arms because you still have time!  This is time to start working on your beautiful sculpted shoulders now to enjoy for the rest of the summer!  This nice weather is going to roll through to the end […]

Join The Summer Shred 21 Day Challenge – Learn How To Carb Cycle For Optimal Fat Loss

Join The Summer Shred 21 Day Challenge – Learn How To Carb Cycle For Optimal Fat Loss

    As Summer is Approaching…….. have you already found yourself skipping out on workouts for patio time with friends and family? Have you slacked off on watching what you eat and tracking your food intake? Are you not satisfied with how your current body looks and feels leading up to summer? Are you lacking […]

Are You Ready To Take Our 21 Day Challenge? Start Whenever You Want!

Are You Ready To Take Our 21 Day Challenge? Start Whenever You Want!

Did you set a few resolutions to make 2017 your healthiest year? To lose some weight? Improve your fitness level? Make more of a commitment to yourself? How is it going so far? We are well into 2017 and this is a great time to sit down and really reflect on how things are going. Time […]

5 Tips To Avoid Vacation Weight Gain

5 Tips To Avoid Vacation Weight Gain

  With winter on it’s way out many people are starting to plan summer vacations, but how do we make sure we don’t have to deal with the dreaded vacation weight gain?  It’s funny, most people work so hard in the gym and eat so healthy prior to a vacation to ensure they look amazing […]

Improve Upper Body Posture With These 3 Exercises

Improve Upper Body Posture With These 3 Exercises

Growing up as a kid I remember my mom always telling me to “sit up straight” and “don’t slouch”; however,  until I began to learn about how important proper posture is in living a pain-free, injury-free, and more comfortable life, I never really paid much attention to my posture.   Now that I have seen severe […]

The Truth About the Sauna and Weight Loss

The Truth About the Sauna and Weight Loss

More Sweat = More Weight Loss? Does It? More Heat = Increased Calorie Burn & More Weight Loss? Does It? It’s Time to Settle the Score   With all the new “hot” yoga and other “hot” group fitness classes popping up, I thought it was time to put the truth out there about the sauna and […]

7 Day Holiday Prep Challenge – Fast Weight Loss Meal Plan

7 Day Holiday Prep Challenge – Fast Weight Loss Meal Plan

ARE YOU READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS? You know all the parties, meals, desserts, alcoholic beverages, lack of sleep, missed workouts can add up very quickly and result in quite a few added pounds. THE LAST THING WE WANT IS ALL OF OUR HARD WORK OVER THE YEAR TO BE LOST IN JUST 3 WEEKS!  There […]

Flat Tummy Tricks – Simple Stability Ball Ab Workout

Flat Tummy Tricks – Simple Stability Ball Ab Workout

We all seem to be be looking for ways to get a flat tummy, build a stronger core, or just switch it up from regular abdominal training routine.  There are so many different exercises that have be claimed “the best ever” or “only one you should be doing”, but let’s be honest there are always […]

Functional Training? What it is Plus Great Workout Idea

Functional Training? What it is Plus Great Workout Idea

  Let’s chat about functional training a little bit before we get to the great workout idea at the bottom!   There are so many different theories out there about what training technique is the better than the next. Buzz words are flying all over the internet and I’m sure you’ve heard at least a […]

Improve Workout Motivation with These 5 Tips

Improve Workout Motivation with These 5 Tips

  We all go through phases where motivation is high and we are super eager to workout and eat clean so we can look and feel amazing. That phase lasts for a few weeks to a few months, then motivation tends to decrease and decrease as time goes on. Why does this decrease in motivation […]

3 Secrets on How to Choose A Healthy Restaurant Salad

3 Secrets on How to Choose A Healthy Restaurant Salad

    Have you ever been out for lunch or dinner and had trouble choosing a healthy restaurant salad? Here is the common scenario – Someone is out for lunch with a friend and really wants to make a healthy choice, so they fight the incredible urge to order a burger and fries by order […]

Customer Appreciation Day-Free Workouts & More

Customer Appreciation Day-Free Workouts & More

    Just as the poster above states: We love all of our loyal clients and wanted to show our love by dedicating a day just to YOU! ALL FITNESS CLASSES ARE FREE! Bring friends, family, and/or significant others to try out a class or two.  All you have to do is register to claim […]