Nutrition & Recipes - Core Conditioning
  • 604-362-9571
  • Monday - Sunday

Nutrition & Recipes

Does Alcohol Really Affect Fat Loss?

Does Alcohol Really Affect Fat Loss?

Does Alcohol Really Affect Fat Loss? I get this questions from clients all the time, especially in the days leading up to long weekends! Yes, it’s always nice to be able to “cheat” on your clean eating plan once and a while to enjoy a few cocktails with friends (or more than a few for […]

Healthier Muffins – Chocolate Chip Banana

Healthier Muffins – Chocolate Chip Banana

  Want Healthier Muffins?? Don’t Worry We Got You!   We all know that store bought muffins are loaded with sugar and are pretty much the same calorie count and profile as donuts (aka you might as well just have a tasty donut!!).  Not all muffins are made equal and I’m not going to tell […]

Healthy Snacks – Beat Afternoon Cravings With These Simple Tips

Healthy Snacks – Beat Afternoon Cravings With These Simple Tips

We all feel it on either a daily basis or just once and a while, that mid-afternoon “slump”.  That time of day where you start to feel tired, hungry (possibly “hangry”), and you begin to crave sugary carbohydrates food not healthy snacks.  There are many reasons this drop in energy could be happening, so instead […]

Top 5 Post Workout Foods To Optimize Results

Top 5 Post Workout Foods To Optimize Results

I know you have heard it before “abs are made in the kitchen”.  As silly as it sounds, it is true!  Yes, what you do during your workouts is very important to reaching your fitness and/or fat loss goals; however, if you are not fueling your body with proper nutrition (especially post-workout foods) your results […]

3 Tips For Easy Summer Salad Creation

3 Tips For Easy Summer Salad Creation

Summer salad’s don’t seem to be as popular during the cold winter months, they seem to get beat out by warm soups and meals like warm vegetables and rice.  Am I right?? I know for me personally, smoothies and salads get put on the back burner during colder months because I’m always cold and prefer […]

Protein Sprinkle Muffins

Protein Sprinkle Muffins

How many times do you find that morning coffee is screaming for a muffin to go with it? Or that afternoon crash has you reaching for a sweet treat to get you through the day? Or you are just running out the door and the whole family (yourself included) is screaming for a snack? Enter […]

5 Ways To Stay Healthy & Active Over Spring Break

5 Ways To Stay Healthy & Active Over Spring Break

No more classes, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks!! With the second week of Spring Break well underway, have you started to worry about what you are doing for you while the little ones are at home?? With the routine of a school day out the window, it can be easy to lose […]

Talking Cheat Days, Hormones and Fat Loss via Precision Nutrition

Talking Cheat Days, Hormones and Fat Loss via Precision Nutrition

  Lately I have been having a lot of chats with clients about allowing themselves cheat days, I know sounds weird right? A weight loss trainer telling their clients to eat unhealthy food?? Believe it or not one cheat meal for weight loss per week is actually imperative to raising metabolic rate and successful fat loss, […]

Easy Crock Pot Chili

Easy Crock Pot Chili

Well as much as we don’t want to admit it, fall has arrived here in Vancouver. It’s getting chilly (not chili lol) so it’s the perfect time to for an easy cock pot chili recipe to be ready to go. There is nothing like a warm bowl of chili when you come home after long […]

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Doughnut Recipe

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Doughnut Recipe

Yes you did not read that title wrong — Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Doughnut! We want to thank our amazing Core Conditioning Coach Tina for sharing this yummy recipe with all of you.   Who would of thought you could enjoy a doughnut and fuel your Gainz at the same time?? Enough small talk, let’s […]

Clean Creamy Avocado Salad Dressing – Better Than Store Bought Alternatives

Clean Creamy Avocado Salad Dressing – Better Than Store Bought Alternatives

Are you getting sick of eating your regular balsamic salad dressing, but you continue to eat it because you have been told that a creamy salad dressing = high in calories?  This is true in most cases, especially in store bought salad dressings.  We all love creamy salad dressings, let’s be honest they just make […]

Join The Countdown to Christmas 21 Day Challenge

Join The Countdown to Christmas 21 Day Challenge

Are you already thinking about some resolution for the new year? Thinking 2018 is going to be your year?  You are finally going to get that body you always wanted and really focus on your health? That is great! But we have one question….. WHY WAIT UNTIL THE NEW YEAR WHEN YOU CAN GET STARTED […]

Join The Summer Shred 21 Day Challenge – Learn How To Carb Cycle For Optimal Fat Loss

Join The Summer Shred 21 Day Challenge – Learn How To Carb Cycle For Optimal Fat Loss

    As Summer is Approaching…….. have you already found yourself skipping out on workouts for patio time with friends and family? Have you slacked off on watching what you eat and tracking your food intake? Are you not satisfied with how your current body looks and feels leading up to summer? Are you lacking […]

7 Day Holiday Prep Challenge – Fast Weight Loss Meal Plan

7 Day Holiday Prep Challenge – Fast Weight Loss Meal Plan

ARE YOU READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS? You know all the parties, meals, desserts, alcoholic beverages, lack of sleep, missed workouts can add up very quickly and result in quite a few added pounds. THE LAST THING WE WANT IS ALL OF OUR HARD WORK OVER THE YEAR TO BE LOST IN JUST 3 WEEKS!  There […]

3 Secrets on How to Choose A Healthy Restaurant Salad

3 Secrets on How to Choose A Healthy Restaurant Salad

    Have you ever been out for lunch or dinner and had trouble choosing a healthy restaurant salad? Here is the common scenario – Someone is out for lunch with a friend and really wants to make a healthy choice, so they fight the incredible urge to order a burger and fries by order […]

Delicious Grain Free Banana Bread Recipe

Delicious Grain Free Banana Bread Recipe

Looking for a great way to kill your sweet tooth, without sabotaging all of your hard work in the gym? Give this delicious grain free banana bread recipe.  The family won’t even know it’s healthy!  I usually bake up a loaf of this banana bread on a Sunday night and then I have a healthy […]

21 Day Reboot your Resolutions Challenge – Is Now Open For Registration!

21 Day Reboot your Resolutions Challenge – Is Now Open For Registration!

  Did you set a few resolutions to make 2016 your healthiest year? to lose some weight? improve your fitness level? make more of a commitment to yourself?   How is it going so far?  We are now two months into 2016 and this is a great time to reflect on how things are going.  […]

Why You Should Be Eating Goat Cheese – Try This Healthy Snack!

Why You Should Be Eating Goat Cheese – Try This Healthy Snack!

Everyone has a food they love and add to everything, for myself I have two: avocado and goat cheese! (OK I have more favorite foods such as peanut butter, almond butter, and the list could go on lol).  When eating out at a restaurant I love to create my own menu items based around what […]

5 Tips To Prevent Unwanted Holiday Weight Gain

5 Tips To Prevent Unwanted Holiday Weight Gain

Well December is upon us and I am already seeing a decrease in members coming to group classes and more personal training sessions being cancelled.  Sure people get sick, sure it’s a time to spend more time with family and friends, sure holiday parties seem to be held every night of the week; however, it […]

Keep It Simple – September 21 Day Slim Down Challenge Is Here!

Keep It Simple – September 21 Day Slim Down Challenge Is Here!

Well it’s that time of year again……..Sadly summer is coming to an end and real life is about to set in again 🙁   Have you created some bad nutrition habits over the summer? Skipped more workouts than planned? Know you need to get back into a healthy routine, but don’t know where to start? […]

Bikini Ready? Beat Belly Bloat With These Quick Tips!

Bikini Ready? Beat Belly Bloat With These Quick Tips!

So you have plans to go to the beach this weekend or go out in that skin tight outfit, but you are worried about looking bloated and feeling blaahhhh.  Tip number one, starving yourself is not the answer to look good this weekend!!! Starving yourself or only eating vegetables will not only slow down your […]

Low Cal Greens and Berries Protein Shake

Low Cal Greens and Berries Protein Shake

If you have been reading my blogs for a while now, you know I love a good post-workouts protein shake! Sometimes I don’t want a heavy shake or dependent on my macros for a certain day I do not want to add too many ingredients to my shake, as it would be meant for a […]

Protein Packed Spinach Salad! Sneak Peak Recipe From 21 Day July Fat Blast Challenge

Protein Packed Spinach Salad! Sneak Peak Recipe From 21 Day July Fat Blast Challenge

Are you looking for a healthy lunch or dinner idea that not only tastes great, but will help you get towards your weight loss goals?  This is one of the great recipes you will find in the 21 Day July Fat Blast Challenge starting July 6th!  This is a great lunch idea you can make […]

Michelle’s Favorite Green Machine Protein Shake!

Michelle’s Favorite Green Machine Protein Shake!

Ok all of my clients and followers on social media are always asking me what I put in my protein shakes, well it’s your lucky day! This is my favorite protein shake recipe.  If you like yummy tasting, thick, creamy, and extremely healthy protein shakes, well you will want to make this! Here you go: […]

8 Tips for a Healthier (But Still Happy) Weekend!

8 Tips for a Healthier (But Still Happy) Weekend!

  Many people have no problem sticking to their healthy eating and workout schedule during the work week, but sometimes come Friday all will power goes out the window! Are you guilty of this? No worries, I’m here to help you find that happy balance between still enjoying your weekend without destroying all the progress […]

Avocado Egg Salad Wrap – Healthy Snack or Lunch Idea!

Avocado Egg Salad Wrap – Healthy Snack or Lunch Idea!

I’m always happy to share some of my healthy regular “go-to’s” for quick, easy, and healthy meals.  If you are signed up for my Fit your ‘Fit – Summer Slim Down Challenge, this is a great way to switch up the tuna wrap that you will find in the meal plan. This wrap can be […]

Chicken Avocado Burgers

Chicken Avocado Burgers

These burgers are truly to die for!  If you are looking for something you can make in advance and freeze for a quick and easy weeknight dinner, check this recipe out!  You can use ground chicken or ground turkey depending on your taste buds and can be cooked on an indoor or outdoor grill.  If […]

Healthy Shamrock Protein Shake Recipe

Healthy Shamrock Protein Shake Recipe

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone! Well today seems to be the day that many people fall off track with their clean eating by taking in any type of food as long as it is green, right?? Green beer, green cookies that someone brought into the office, green everything and anything.  It’s like because it is […]

Pumpkin Coconut Protein Loaf – Guilt-Free!

Pumpkin Coconut Protein Loaf – Guilt-Free!

[facebook] [retweet] Ok everyone brace yourselves!  If you love pumpkin as much as I do you are going to love this recipe! I whipped this up this morning and had to put it out of sight to stop myself from eating the entire loaf! Let’s get right down to business Here is the recipe: Ingredients: […]

Ezekiel Bread Protein French Toast

Ezekiel Bread Protein French Toast

Are you getting a little tired of your regular morning oatmeal and looking to switch it up? Well I have just the solution for you! This high protein and amazing high protein healthy twist on traditional french toast will be a great (and great tasting) start to your day!   Here is the recipe: Ingredients: […]

Chocolate Protein Muffin Recipe

Chocolate Protein Muffin Recipe

Forget commercialized processed muffins, cupcakes, and protein bars loaded with artificial ingredients and calories.  Why not save some cash and make your own healthy tasty snacks?? Here is the recipe: 1 cup Oat Flour (blend up old fashioned rolled oats in a blender or food processor) 1 cup Plain non-fat Greek Yogurt 4 Egg Whites […]

Amazing All Natural No-Bake Cookie Dough Balls

Amazing All Natural No-Bake Cookie Dough Balls

Yes it’s true! These little bites of heaven are all natural, you don’t have to bake them, and are low calorie! These are great to have in the fridge for a little post-dinner dessert or a guilt-free snack. Ingredients: 1 Cup Oats 1/4 Cup PB2 or Natural Peanut Butter/Almond Butter 1 TBSP Ground Flaxseed + […]

For The Chocolate Lovers – All Clean Sweet Potato Brownie Recipe

For The Chocolate Lovers – All Clean Sweet Potato Brownie Recipe

Yes you read the title correctly!  These brownie are the perfect little snack to kill a sweet tooth or craving without doing too much damage to your figure 🙂 Here’s What You Need: 1 medium sweet potato 3 eggs 1/4 coconut oil (melted) 1/3 cup raw honey (could also use agave or sugar-free maple syrup) […]

Great Late Night Snack Idea – Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Pudding

Great Late Night Snack Idea – Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Pudding

Well I came home around my usual time tonight (9pm) after teaching an amazing Metabolic Group Exercise class at my studio (Info about classes HERE) and I didn’t have a lot of calories left in my daily allowance.  I needed to get my protein up to help feed my muscles why I sleep and make […]

Q Energy Supplement is Now Available at CORE Conditioning!

Q Energy Supplement is Now Available at CORE Conditioning!

I am now pleased to announce that CORE Conditioning has now partnered with Q Energy!!! This is a great all natural, gluten free, soy free, yeast free, and dairy free supplement that promotes: – Increased energy – Improved altertness -Immune system support -Healthy Weight Management – Stocked with electrolytes to improve stamina, fight fatigue & […]

Guest Post: Foods that Help Burn Fat

Guest Post: Foods that Help Burn Fat

Hectic working hours, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, which includes eating unhealthy food items and very little to no exercise, has led to more people suffering from excessive weight in the form of fat in their bodies. With obesity being one of the most important reasons for most diseases today, it is no surprise that […]

Pre & Post Workout Nutrition Tips

Pre & Post Workout Nutrition Tips

Whether you are starting a new exercise program (or already an old program) and looking to reach specific fitness goals, it is important to pay more attention to nutritional intake. When you are eating the right foods to support your weight loss or muscle gaining goals etc., you will see a vast increase in results […]

Examples of Pre & Post Workout Meal Ideas

Examples of Pre & Post Workout Meal Ideas

If you have read my article about pre & post workout nutrition, but are still a little confused about the best foods to eat before or after your workout, see below.  I have provided a few examples of snacks and meals you can try out.  Remember there are many other choices so you do not […]

Clean Eating Chocolate Fudge Recipe

Clean Eating Chocolate Fudge Recipe

No, you did not read the title wrong! This recipe is 100% clean and good for you chocolate fudge 🙂  YOUR WELCOME!!! Ok enough messing around let’s get right down to it so you can get started now.  There are many ways to switch up this recipe and I will give a few at the […]

Cinnamon Swirl Protein Squares

Cinnamon Swirl Protein Squares

  There are two flavor choices I am obsessed with as ingredients when it comes to healthy baking, one being peanut butter and the second being cinnamon. I thought it was important to share one of my favorite clean eating cinnamon protein bar recipes with you all. I normally bake these bars on a Sunday […]