Active Rehabilitation (ICBC Approved) - Core Conditioning
  • 604-362-9571
  • Monday - Sunday
Class Active Rehabilitation (ICBC Approved)


Active Rehabilitation (ICBC Approved)


Active Rehabilitation

  **ICBC Approved Service Provider**

  Whether you have been hurt playing a sport, have been in a car accident, or are suffering from ongoing pain while performing daily activities;  we provide specific rehabilitation programs designed to decrease pain levels and increase life function. We provide a full injury assessment in order to prescribe specific exercises to fix muscle imbalances, target specific muscle weakness, decrease muscle stiffness, and decrease the occurrence of or heal chronic overuse injuries. "Pre-habilitation" programs are also provided to prevent or decrease the occurrence of work or sport related injury.


ICBC clients:

Please ensure you have been pre-approved by your doctor or lawyer for active rehabilitation sessions.

Call or Text us at 604-362-9571 to set up an initial appointment