Online Personal Training & Weight Loss Coaching - CoreConditioning
  • 604-362-9571
  • Monday - Sunday
Class Online Personal Training & Weight Loss Coaching


Online Personal Training & Weight Loss Coaching

Online Personal Trainer Expert


Online Personal Training Programs

If you are not in the lower mainland, travel frequently, or just don't have the time to make an appointment with a trainer, CORE Conditioning now offers online personal training services programs.  This service is provided to clients who need the direction and motivation provided by working with a personal fitness trainer, but don't have the freedom in their schedule or budget to make continual appointments.


Why Online Training?

I founded CORE Conditioning 8 years ago and have managed to build up a loyal following of amazing clients; however, recently I have found I am running into one LARGE problem: I am having to turn down client's because I am too busy :( I know some might say "you are busy that's a good thing isn't it?", yes, don't get me wrong I love my job and truly enjoy that I get to do what I love for a living.  The problem is that I feel horrible having to turn down client's looking to change their lives because I know how frustrating it can be to not feel good about yourself, to be overweight, on and off of different fad diets, and over exercise but not see any results! Hence why I began my online personal training!! I am now able to help more client's all around the world with direction on how to exercise properly, how to eat for their body type and desired fitness goals --- Pretty much everything I do for my own clients I can do with you except stand next to you and count your reps.


Watch This Video to Check Out Just How Easy The App is To Use!



What do you get?

  • A customized Online workouts plan designed specifically for you, your goals, and the location you will perform your workouts.  This will include strength training and cardio training programs
  • Fitness assessment with Fitness Expert Michelle Roots via phone/skype/email in order to determine the best plan for your body, lifestyle, and desired goals
  • All the support you would get as if you were training with CORE Conditioning in person
  • Your own personal trainer & contact via phone or email
  • New program every 4-6 weeks to avoid plateau and continue to see results
  • Detailed instruction about all workouts and exercises
  • Large database of easy to follow exercise videos
  • Printable workouts
  • Downloadable Smartphone app (IPhone & android)
  • Goal tracking
  • Measurement and Weight Tracker
  • Nutrition coaching based around your fitness or weight loss goals

Any fitness related questions that may come up as you move along in your workouts will be answered in a timely manner by a CORE Conditioning trainer.  Online clients have found that having someone to check in with frequently regarding nutritional habits and workouts has allowed them to avoid loss of motivation because they are held accountable for reaching their set goals.




Let's do some math: Some personal trainers charge anywhere from $60 - $150 per hour.  At 3 sessions per week that is a BARE MINIMUM of $600 per month!!! Take a look at the pricing below and see how much you will be saving, but still getting all the benefits of having a trainer on your side to keep you accountable and help you reach your goals!




CLICK HERE To view the CORE Conditioning online training website and see how it works and choose a pricing option best for you!!