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Tag Archives: personal trainer cloverdale bc


Michelle’s Favorite Green Machine Protein Shake!

  • by Michelle
  • May 28, 2015
Ok all of my clients and followers on social media are always asking me what I put in my protein shakes, well it’s your lucky day! This is my favorite protein shake recipe.  If you like yummy tasting, thick, creamy, and extremely healthy protein shakes, well you will want to make this! Here you go: […]

5 Foods You Should NEVER Eat for Breakfast

  • by Michelle
  • March 10, 2015
With TV commercials and media all over the place selling us different products, it’s easy to fall victim to thinking the breakfast you might be consuming is a good choice; however, most of the time it is not. The safest way to choose a breakfast food is to look for something in it’s most natural […]