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Blog 8 Tips for a Healthier (But Still Happy) Weekend!



8 Tips for a Healthier (But Still Happy) Weekend!

  • by Michelle
  • May 15, 2015



Many people have no problem sticking to their healthy eating and workout schedule during the work week, but sometimes come Friday all will power goes out the window! Are you guilty of this? No worries, I’m here to help you find that happy balance between still enjoying your weekend without destroying all the progress you made during the week. The weekend can be more difficult, because during the week we often plan ahead and follow a schedule. Get up, eat breakfast, go to work, eat pre-packed snacks and healthy lunch throughout the day, work out, eat dinner, sleep at a regular time, and then wake up and do it all again. During the weekend, this scheduling seems to go out the window, which is fine; however, without a set schedule there are more opportunities for temptation and one “bad” weekend can easily undo a whole week of healthy habits.

So, how do we prevent unhealthy weekend habits? Follow these 8 tips so you can stay on track, while still enjoying all that the weekend has to offer:

  1. Use some of your extra free-time to get in a longer workout. I know my schedule is so busy during the week, that I have to schedule my workout into my day and usually have to get it done in about 30-45 minutes; however, during the weekend I have more free time and one of my favorite things to do is get in a little bit of a longer workout that is not rushed. I go for a longer run or do a crazy metabolic full body circuit and take a lot of time at the end to get a good stretch and core training, I really get to enjoy my workouts and not have to keep checking the clock.
  2. Eat like it’s a weekday to the best of your ability. If you like the food you eat during the week and you always feel great and energized, why change that just because it’s the weekend? One thing I always do is choose one meal that will be my “cheat meal” which I enjoy 100% guilt-free and eat anything my little heart desires (within moderation); however, on the weekend I always eat the same breakfast I do during the week, try to pack healthy snacks if i’m going to be on the go, and make sure to get at least one solid weekend workout in. Try not to skip meals with being to busy running around over the weekend, this will help avoid over-eating at dinner. “Saving calories” for your cheat meal is not an effective plan, keep your metabolism working through the day by still eating every 3-4 hours.
  3. Get outdoors! Warmer weather is here and this is the perfect opportunity to get out of the house and get some fresh air! Many of us are trapped indoors all week, so not only is getting outdoors to walk, hike, or even relax in a park great to soak up some vitamin D, but studies have also shown that people are just happier when they spend time out in nature.
  4. Limit your drinks. Now I am not saying “NO ALCOHOL” lol, come on people it’s summer patio season! Just remember that the calories in beverages add up really quickly if you are not careful. When it comes to alcoholic beverages, practice moderation because even though these drinks taste great, the body processes alcohol first, leaving carbohydrates and fats to get stored as fat instead of used as fuel. Try to choose one meal that you will enjoy a beverage or two, but try to avoid the all-day, all-night drinking binges if you are looking to lose weight. Also, a hangover is never fun and usually causes extreme laziness and poor eating the following day too, now this is what we don’t want! Check out the calorie guide below for your own information 🙂
Wine Calories Per Ounce      Carbs Per 5-oz Serving
Chardonnay 20 0.4 g 100 calories, 2 g carbs
Pinot Grigio 20 0.4 g 100 calories, 2 g carbs
Zinfandel® White Wine 20 0.4 g 100 calories, 2 g carbs
Cabernet Sauvignon 20 0.8 g 100 calories, 4 g carbs
Merlot Red Wine 20 0.8 g 100 calories, 4 g carbs


Hard Liquor Calories Per Ounce Carbs Per 1.5-oz Serving
Vermouth 32 0.2 g 64 calories, 0.4 g carbs
Coconut Rum 51 5.3 g 77 calories, 8 g carbs
Beefeater® Gin 65 0 g 98 calories, 0 g carbs
Rye Whiskey 69 0 g 104 calories, 0 g carbs
Scotch Whiskey 69 0 g 104 calories, 0 g carbs
White Rum 69 0 g 104 calories, 0 g carbs
Vodka 69 0 g 104 calories, 0 g carbs
Cognac 69 2 g 104 calories, 3 g carbs
Tequila 69 5.3 g 104 calories, 8 g carbs
Gilbey’s® Gin 79 0 g 119 calories, 0 g carbs


Beer Calories Per Ounce Carbs Per 12-oz Serving
“Light” Beer 9 0.5 g 108 calories, 6 g carbs
Draft Beer 12 1.1 g 144 calories, 13.2 g carbs
Lager 14 1.1 g 168 calories, 13.2 g carbs
Ale 18 1.1 g 216 calories, 13.2 g carbs
  1. Plan for the relaxation. Many of us are so busy during the week and then our weekends are also a non-stop list of errands and events, which although some might be fun events it’s important to schedule some downtime for at least a few hours. This could be something you enjoy, a hobby, watching a movie with friends, family, or a loved one, or anything that de-stresses you because in the big scheme of things reducing stress can also help you with weight loss!
  2. Weigh in Monday morning no matter what! I am not a fan of weighing yourself daily; however, checking in on the scale every Monday morning will hold you accountable to whatever you did over the weekend.
  3. Break the on-again, off-again diet mentality! I am a firm believer or enjoying all that life has to offer, even good food; however, no everyday and the key is moderation! Many people view the weekend as a time to “rebel” and “cheat” on their diet’s, which usually brings feelings of shame, depression, and frustration on Monday morning when they get on the scale. Remember maintaining a healthy weight is all about a lifestyle change and learning how to still enjoy life, while sticking to your goals and not feeling guilty or depressed if you eat a cookie.
  4. Plan for the week ahead. Take some time on Sunday morning or afternoon to do some grocery shopping, plan your meals for the week, wash all your workouts clothes, and take a look at your schedule and plan your workout times. Doing this will help you stay on track if the weeks get’s busier than you anticipated and will help you stay on track and de-stressed!

These are just a few tips to help you stay on track over the weekend, but remember to enjoy yourself and be free! Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed! Get out and explore all the world has to offer us!

“Train 4 Life & Be Ready 4 Anything!”


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