If you are someone who is waiting until 2021 or the new year to lose weight now, then I highly suggest you watch the video below all the way to the end! In this video I’m going to break down how to lose weight, how to avoid holiday weight gain with some simple weight loss tips. I will also show you why you shouldn’t be waiting for a new years resolution to achieve fat loss and implement healthy habits into your life. Learning how to be healthier through simple habits you can change today to start living healthier and I will show you how to not gain weight over Christmas while still enjoying yourself!
I truly believe in healthy balance and not having to restrict yourself or starve to lose weight at all. Learning to build a healthy relationship with food, taking care of your body, moving your body and building healthy habits can go a long way with long term weight loss.
If you are reading this blog and it is already 2021, don’t worry! The weight loss tips I share in this video will still help you make some healthy changes and build healthy habits to begin to lose weight now!
If you want more tips on how to lose weight now or free full follow along workouts check out some of the other videos on my YouTube Channel. Subscribe for new videos every week or check out my Instagram for daily motivation, workouts, and weight loss tips @MichelleRootsFit. Follow Core Conditioning Studio on Instagram to get a preview of how we are helping people to lose weight each day @CoreConditioningCloverdale
Find out how sleep and weight loss are related here
Feel free to leave a comment on my YouTube Video with any questions about how to lose weight now, I always answer and I am happy to help! Or check out my blog for more tips and tricks, healthy recipes, workouts, and much more.
Need more help on your fitness journey? I am happy to help – check out the many ways you can work with me either online or at my studio Here
Best of luck on your journey to a healthier you!
[…] you are looking for way to lose weight without having to diet or starve yourself, check out my TIPS TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST IN 2021 and learn all about how I coach my Online Personal Training clients and In Person personal training […]
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